Passport Verification
Passport Rules
 Passport Rules- Write your full name in capital letters.
- Write full name of your parents with expansion of initials and not like Mr. Gupta which is surname.
- If you are a male, write your wife's full name and if you a female write your husband's full name against the column 'Spouse'. In case you are unmarried this column may be left blank.
- Write only visible marks of identification that are on your face, neck and fore-arms. If you do not have any visible marks write 'NIL'.
- Give your correct place of birth i.e. Village/Town, District and State (all three details).
- In case you had applied for passport at any time in the past, please mention the file number and/or date of application even if you have not received the passport.
- In case you are already holding valid or expired passport, please surrender the passport with a Xerox copy along with the application.
- In case the passport bears a valid visa, please choose to submit in person at the counter and avoid sending the same by post.
- If you are member of serving Central or State Government servants, attach a declaration by the Government servant countersigned by his/her Head of Office confirming the fact that the applicant is a member of his/her family.
- If you are a retired Govt. servant and have held while in service a Diplomatic/Official Passport, attach your cancelled old diplomatic/official passport as a proof.
- Jurisdiction Area of Police Stations