There is a dire need to involve public in the safety & security of the city. Any Security infrastructure will not be complete till active participation of the public is sought & ensured in the safety security of the people themselves. It helps a lot not only to fight menace of terrorism but also the day to day crime. Because they work as the eyes and ears of police.
They are sensitized reg. their importance as well as about the concept of Police- Public and Public- Police. Panchkula police has sought the support of the local people in a big way to share the responsibility of fight of terrorism and also against criminals. Active assistance is also being sought in maintaining law & order and public peace in the city. The community policing has been conceptualised at three different levels as under:
- Citizen Advisory Council: Commissionerate level
- Citizen Review Committee: Police District level
- Community Consultative Mechanism: Police Station level
Citizens Advisory Council
1) Action Plan for Citizen Advisory Committee:
- To conceptualize the Police- Public participation activities in the Commissionerate of Panchkula.
- To work as the think tank and prepare agenda for the Community Policing in Panchkula .
- To monitor and streamline the Community Policing activities going on in the Commissionerate at various level .
- To provide vision, give guidelines and monitor implementation of Community Policing in Panchkula Commissionerate.
- To have half yearly meetings to reflect upon the on going activities and suggest measures to make the system more effective.
- To work as the monitoring cell for the Community Policing work going on in all districts of Commissionerate, Panchkula.
- To suggest and create a effective grievances redressal and monitoring system.
- To suggest and evolve a Citizens information and advisory systems.
- To take up & discuss any other matter which may come up in consultation withCommissioner of Police, Panchkula.
2) List of Citizens Advisory Committee Commissionerate level is enclosed as Annexure- A-1.
Citizens Review Committee
1) Action plan for Citizen Review Committee:
- To monitor the work of the committees functioning at police Station levels and suggest changes/ improvements as desired on a regular basis.
- To work as the coordinator between the citizens advisory committee and the committee at police station.
- It should work as the facilitating committee rather than fault ? finding committee.
- It's work should be complementary to the Police work rather than the competitive one.
- They should meet once in a month to review its own working and put up target oriented agendas.
- To get the implementation done of the work / agenda given by the think tank i.e. citizen advisory committee.
- Any other work as duly assigned.
2) List of Citizens Review Committee is enclosed as Annexure-A-2.
Community Consultative Mechanism
1) Action Plan of Community Consultative Mechanism:
- To appoint Chowkidars: streetwise, mohallawise, junctionwise and gatewise.
- To raise gates, boundary walls, CCTV system.
- To appoint Traffic wardens, to identify citizens for help in time and
- To help in identifying traffic violators and mechanism to improve.
- To identify traffic bottleneck points- regulatory measures thereof.
- To take initiative in educative and informative drive for safety and security of the people living in the sectors/ colonies.
2) List of RWAs. is enclosed as Annexure-A-3.
Task for Security Observers
- Understand our existing patrolling program reg- PCRs, Rider,other patrolling duties.
- Utility of pvt. Security guards / old chowkidari system.
- Police verification of the chowkidar/ Private security guards deployed in your area.
- Marking houses locked for some days .
- Other main trouble spots e.g. parks, crossings (Chowrahas), Liquor vends.
- Any lapses noticed in duties performed by police staff of your area.
- Identify soft targets: Ladies, Girls, Children in relation to place and time.
- Co-ordination with the local I/C PP and SHOs to give regular & immediate feedback.
- Feedback to the Community Policing Secretariat incharge over a dedicate phone line
- Any other as duly assigned from time to time.
Action Plan/ Charter for Traffic Observer
- Volunteer your services for manning traffic at in up intersections during
- Provide regular feedback on the present work going on in your area and the suggestions to improve.
- Making your self available on important days of traffic rush i.e. festivals and other occasions.
- Keeping a constant watch on the smooth movement of traffic in your area & the difficulties being faced and also suggesting the ways out on a regular basis.
- Active participation help in awareness and education drives.
- To guide and motivate the common masses to obey traffic rules.
- Informing the local Police in case of violation observed.
- To be in regular touch with the local police(Traffic beat Constable) to help him in his work actively.
- Any other work duly assigned by the competent authority.
For the smooth functioning of the Community Policing infrastructure and to have a central control and coordination of all the efforts. A Secretariat for Community Policing has been established. This consists of a dedicated phone line and staff ( consisting of 2 NGOs and 2 constables). This line is actively attended to on all working days from 9-00 A.M. to 6-00 PM . Suggestions/ Complaints are received on phone as well as in writing, properly documented, action taken is ensured from concerned and the feed back are given to the complainants. All this actively is put up to the Dy. Commissioner of Police,Panchkula and Commissionand Commissioner of Police, Panchkula for perusal and taking further necessary action also. Senior Citizens help line has been introduced to help the Senior Citizens in the city. For this purpose a Vehicles has been provided and EASI=1,EHCs=2 and Constables=3 have been deployed shift wise. The facilities of Wireless Set-1 ,Cell Phone =1 ,Stretcher=2,First aid Box=1 and Fire cylinder =1 have also been provided .A Telephone located at Police Control Room, Panchkula has been installed on which any Senior Citizen can make call to seek help and cooperation. There after Incharge Control Room received & the call and inform & the Incharge Senior Citizen help line through wireless set. Total 151 Senior Citizens have been given been Identity Card by the Assitance Commissioner of Police , Panchkula. Inspr. welfare has been directed to go door to door and listen to the problems the problems of these Senior Citizens. List of 151 Senior Citizens is enclosed as Annexure-A - 4p.
To improve the Communit y Policing System and seek the public participation in Distt Panchkula. 88 Security observers and 86 Traffic observers have been nominated. Their list is enclosed at Annexure-A-5/6. The Commissionerate level meeting is held every six month to review the working of 3-level committee monthly meetings are also conducted at district level to meet the representatives at various level and to draw a road map for co-operation and to review the results achieved through the system . The support of the people would also be taken in relief measures and maintaining peace in the area. Their help would also be enlisted in the investigations as well as police enquiries. On 24-4-08 at 4:00pm a meeting was held in Mini Secretariat ,Panchkula conference hall under the chairmanship of the commissioner of police , Panchkula in connection with improving community policing system. In this meeting the matters to evaluate the working of district police , Panchkula were discussed with representatives of RWAs and they were also requested to submit their suggestion /problems in improving police working. They were also requested to submit application forms for the nomination of 2/3 security observers for each RWA.
On 20-5-08 at 5-00 P.M. a 2nd meeting was held with all nominated representative of RWAs who have submitted their applications to be nominated as Security Observers. In this meeting it was decided that an Identity Card will be provided to all Security Observers. Besides they were also requested to submit their suggestions/complaints continuously in Community Policing Sectt. Panchkula to improve the Policing System in Panchkula and have better utilization of resources and better out put. Further,on 5-6-08 at 5-00 P.M a meeting was held in Conference Hall Mini Sectt. Panchkula. In this 88 Identity Cards were provided to Security Observers and they were also requested to keep a close watch on the activities of Pactivities of Police and to submit their suggestions to improve the regulation of Traffic at main points. Police Stations wise list of Security Observers has also been sent to the DCP East and West, Panchkula with the direction that all SHOs should organize meetings with Security Observers in their areas and listen to their suggestions/complaints and all efforts be made to solve those.
On 27-6-08 at 5 -00 P.M a meeting was held with Traffic Observers in the office of DCP/Traffic Panchkula. In this meeting the traffic Observers were requested to evaluate the working of Traffic Police & submit theirsuggestions to regulate the Traffic more efficiently.
On 8-8-08 a meeting was held by DCP/East Panchkula with the representative representative of RWAs/other associations. In this meeting the following points were discussed:-
- The SHOs have been directed to make the verification of Domestic Servants/Tenants as early as possible and in this active cooperation of respective RWAs to be sought.
- The members of RWAs were requested to cooperate the local Police to prevent/detect the crime/criminals of heinous crime i.e Thefts,Robbery,Bank Dacoity ,Murder, Vehicle theft and snatching.
- To help and work in unison with the local police for better security for all.
- To help and work in unison with the local police for better security for all.
During this period total 28 suggestions/complaints have been received through the Telephone provided for this purpose and all of them have been solved. Feed back of these calls have also been given to the Complainants/ Suggesters. Besides this 26 complaints/suggestions have been received in written from Security Observers/Traffic Observers and RWAs .Out of those 22 Complaints / suggestions have been solved and have been catered to.